Friday, August 12, 2011

What I expect to learn from CS3216

Only one thing: Learn how to do what I really love!

Before I enrolled in Computer Science, a lot of people advised me to change to Information System or Business / Finance if I want a higher salary after I graduate. I was almost convinced. But after taking CS courses, I realized "What the heck!! This is where I belong!". I love coding and all other computing stuff. I took 2 business modules last semester and ended up using the S/U option for both of them because I was spending too much time, well.. coding. This is what I love and what I'm gonna do.

That's the reason why you see me in CS3216 :) I want to meet people who share the same passion. I want to learn from them, especially Prof Ben, how to follow my heart and soul. I love the quote "If you do what you love, the money comes anyway". We all have big dreams, but dreams without true passion can never come true.

Thanks Prof Ben for offering CS3216 again this semester. I will learn how to suffer with enjoyment :)


  1. "If you do what you love, the money comes anyway"

    Don't always believe the prof. The prof hasn't seen the money yet. :-P

  2. The money doesn't need to come to your pocket. 40 iPads for students is also money :)
